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Our services

Preventative Care

Routine pet vaccinations and parasite prevention, can help protect your dog or cat from a number of highly contagious, serious diseases and disorders.


Adult dog/cat preventative care

Why you should vaccinate your dog or cat

Vaccinations are safe and necessary to prevent the spread of infectious disease for pets. Vaccines also prevent transmission of diseases to humans, such as Rabies. 

What vaccines does my dog or cat need?

When your dog or cat comes in for the annual visit, based on their physical examination and after discussing their health and activities, we will recommend the core vaccines that are needed that year based on your your pet's needs and then set the schedule for the upcoming year.

It isn't necessary for all pets to receive every vaccine, which is why there are core vaccines which are strongly recommended for all pets, and lifestyle vaccines which may be necessary for your pet. 

Core vaccines are designed to help protect your pet from diseases that are commonly found in your area, have a high risk such as fatality, and spread easily between animals and in some cases from animals to people. Lifestyle vaccines protect against diseases they may be exposed to if they lead particular lifestyles, such as spending a great deal of time outdoors. ​





Dogs require boosters for their core vaccinations every 1-3 years, starting one year after their first round. The frequency of boosters will depend on the specific vaccine, and dog's lifestyle and needs. 

Your cat will need boosters of the core vaccines in the first year after their initial kitten vaccines. After that, cat vaccinations are generally boostered every 1-3 years, based on the specific vaccine used and the cat's needs.

Puppy/kitten preventative care 

Puppy and kitten visit & vaccination schedule

We can't wait to meet your new puppy or kitten! Puppies and kittens need to have a series of vaccinations in the first four and a half months of life at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 16 weeks. These vaccines will be administered as required at each of the three visits to your veterinarian.

Parasite control (fleas, ticks & heartworms)

Parasites such as fleas and ticks can be detrimental to your pet’s health. Preventive measures taken every year can inhibit potential outbreaks. Your pet should be free from all kinds of parasites, internally and externally. We have parasite prevention products to protect your pet from the following common parasites. 

Common internal parasites include heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and tapeworms. The most common external parasites include fleas, ticks and ear mites.

When should I seek treatment for parasites?

Fleas: If your pet continuously scratching, gnawing or licking, they may be showing signs of fleas. Additionally, you may notice flea dirt, the byproduct of fleas (may look like pepper) on your pet’s abdomen. Schedule an appointment immediately if you notice any of these signs.

Ticks: If you see a tick on your pet, schedule an appointment with us and we will safely remove the tick for you.

Heartworm Disease: The best treatment for heartworms is prevention. A common and effective prevention method is a monthly oral medication. When the parasite is transmitted through mosquito bites, your pet may show no signs for months, however, later symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing, weight loss, tiring easily and low energy. In many cases, pets do not show outward signs until advanced stages of the disease. An annual blood test is recommended to screen for heartworms.

Core vaccines for dogs: ​
  • Distemper

  • Adenovirus

  • Canine Parvovirus

  • Parainfluenza

  • Rabies

Core vaccines for cats: ​
  • Feline Rhinotracheitis

  • Calici virus

  • Panleukopenia

  • Rabies

Lifestyle vaccines for cats:


Contact us


717 Krosno Blvd, Pickering, Ontario L1W 1G4


(905) 837-2717


Monday - Friday



9:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:00 am - 1:00 pm


© Bay Ridges Animal Clinic 2023

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